Financial highlights
- Consolidated Group revenue totalled €1.606 billion in 2022, an increase of 107% at a constant exchange rate compared to 2021, a new all-time high since the Group’s creation
- Eurotunnel: revenue up 63% to €1.049 billion, driven by the strong growth in Passenger Shuttle traffic and also Eurostar traffic which is five times the 2021 traffic
- Europorte: solid operational performance, with revenue up 5% to €137 million
- ElecLink: €420 million in revenue generated since 25 May 2022
Yann Leriche, Group CEO, said:
“2022 has been a remarkable year for Getlink. The success of our customer-focused strategy and the successful commissioning of our ElecLink interconnector between France and Great Britain are enabling us to accelerate our growth. All the Group’s entities, supported by the commitment of our teams, have delivered a record performance in the service of low-carbon transport.”
Le Shuttle Freight:
- Nearly 1.45 million trucks crossed the Channel on Le Shuttle Freight in 2022, confirming its status as market leader with 42.2% of the market in 2022
- Success of the First offer with a targeted sample of Freight customers
- Good progress of the unaccompanied service
- Le Shuttle Freight transported nearly 1.45 million trucks in 2022, confirming its place as market leader with 42.2% of the market during the year